Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Oh God, it hurts!

My weight loss isn't going so well. We are behind in the shopping which limits what is available to eat (obviously - lol). Either way, food or no food, I just don't care enough at this time to tackle weight loss. I am in so much pain from the radiation and so exhausted that I would prefer if someone would chew my food and feed me like a baby bird. For more information on that you can read more on my other Blog "Calm Down It's Just a Little Cancer"... I will be back soon. I promise. TTYL Jeannie

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday April 23, 2012 Day 8

Good evening!
Today was my last day of regular radiation treatments.  Tomorrow up to and including Friday I will receive boosts.  I was hoping my nipple would be free but I won't find out until tomorrow if it is included in the treatment plan. It's quite sore and is begging for mercy.

In the news, live to you from Westmount, Nova Scotia, is a very important piece of information I know you are all dying to find out.  Did she gain weight?  Did she lose weight?  How did the Friday to Saturday morning snack binge affect her progress.  Well let me tell you...are you ready....???

Last Week 159.4 lbs
This Week 156.4 lbs

My measurements are almost exactly the same:  hips 44", waist 34", bust 38"

So, not the 6 lbs I would have liked but I didn't gain weight, I didn't go hungry, I ate some naughty stuff, didn't have to exercise and still lost three pounds. Slow and steady wins the race, right!

Breakfast: slice of rye toast with cheese, coffee, banana
Lunch: banana
Dinner: Thai shrimp & scallops with black beans and rice
Snack: Fudgicle (sp?)...did you know they are only 100 calories!

By the way, don't skip meals. I was just too tired to eat lunch.


PS.  Oh ya, nearly forgot the pics....uggg, God I really hate this part.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saturday, April 20, 2012 DAY 6

My oh my, did I muck up last night. Anyway, let's carry on.

BREAKFAST: nothing

LUNCH: muffin...wheat and berries

SNACK: peanut butter and jam on rye

DINNER: penne with chicken and mushrooms

I slept nearly the entire day and drank about 100 gallons of water. What a wasted day. Shame on me.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yikes...I am slipping!

Quickly now:
THURSDAY April 19, 2012

Breakfast: wheat English muffin with butter and a banana and naughty coffee

LUNCH: big salad with chicken and chickpeas and kidney beans

DINNER: small burger on wheat roll, sweet potato fries (oven), quinoa salad (1/8 c), 1/4 oz cheese, apprix. 50 cals of condiments

SNACK: one stingy bite of Hannah's fudge stick, one vodka with 0 cal juice

Ya, I'm still a loser, not weight just pride, but I'm trying moderately hard. Fuck, I love food! Why can't fat be beautiful and why is dressing like Mrs. Roper such a point of shame. Uggg, God help me to stop lusting. I see a beige truck and want butterscotch pudding. I see fresh grass and crave lime Jello with whipped cream...drool, I see deer poop and think about Glosett raisins...lol. Just kidding. I meant Glosett peanuts. Anyway...I'm just a normal girl in a normal world. This is my weight loss journey...

FRIDAY April 20, 2012

BREAKFAST: Kay's Kozy Korner, bacon, eggs, toast, home fries...I ate my toast and a bit of eggs

LUNCH: big regular salad minus cheese and bacon since some prick took the last Mexican salad. I bet he can't even speak Spanish!

DINNER: tacos-black beans, salsa, sour cream, bit o'meat, tomatoes

SNACK: God forgive me for this but I ate Hannah's non-420 brownies with 8 beer.

Ok. Yes, I do want to be thinner. I'm having my period and have ridiculous cravings. I can't help it or if I can I don't want to. The brownies are the best. They taste like crushed angels combined with cotton candy and sprinkles made with puppies and kittens. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to eat them! Don't judge me...at least I didn't eat the '420' brownies.

Obviously I won't come close to the 6 lb weight loss suggested but as long as I'm not gaining weight I suppose that is okay. I'm almost finished radiation and surpassed my fundraising goal of $1000 for cancer so I suppose I'm doing okay. I'm happy and have great friends. All is wonderful in my world. I have been blessed in more ways than I can convey. I will lose my weight but it will be on my time...


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday April 18, 2012 DAY 3

BREAKFAST: one slice of rye toast with almond butter and, you guessed it, a banana. I also had a coffee with International Delight. The coffee is allowed...the creamy stuff was a no-no.

LUNCH: large salad with chicken, chick peas and kidney beans

SNACK: 100 calorie packet of chocolate covered pretzels

DINNER: chicken with mushrooms, chick peas and peppers with brown rice and peas

I am in my 'lunar phase' so I am really hungry and riddled with cravings.

I know I failed to mention that I drink a minimum of three litres of water a day. Generally I have close to two litres gone by 10ish. Many times we mistake thirst for hunger so it is very important to drink frequently...unfortunately it can't be vodka so don't misconstrue my words.

All said, it wasn't a bad day. I weighed myself and since Monday a.m. I was three pounds lighter.

Anyone who is familiar with the Carb Lovers Diet will recognize I am not following it according to the book. I appreciate it's guidance and try to mimic the nutritional guidelines they establish. I am so completely fatigued from radiation therapy that preparing my own lunch and sometimes dinner is too much. I buy premade salads from Sobeys for lunch on my way to the Cancer Centre. As soon as I get home I eat and fall asleep for at least an hour, sometimes two. I'm looking forward to renewed energy in the next month or so...then I will definitely start to look like Kiera Knightly - lol.

For now I will take the three pound loss and try to drop another three by Monday.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday April 17, 2012 DAY 2

Well so far, so good. I made it through another day of mindful eating. I would have molested a hobo for something sweet today. Instead I bought some cupcakes from the frozen food section of Sobeys. It was chocolately and 100 calories with loads of fiber. I didn't quite stick to the menu in the book today but tried to parallel my dinner with a suggested meal.

BREAKFAST: oatmeal with banana and cinnamon

LUNCH: large salad with chickpeas,kidney beans and chicken

SNACK: chocolate cupcake

DINNER: frozen dinner...think it was called Smart-something-or-other (Weight Watcher)

So, although I purchased two of my meals today I still managed to consume the required amount resistant starch, calories and nutrients for the day. As usual, I was too tired after radiation to go for the walk I fantasized about all morning. Ah well, tomorrow's another day.


Monday, April 16, 2012


Welcome to my weight loss Blog.  My other blog "Calm Down! It's just a little Cancer" is still active and will be until I receive my release from the Cancer Centre. 